Tag: Long Tail Effect
Applying the Long-Tail to the Internet of Things – A Contributed Blogpost in the WSJ CIO Journal
8th January
Nearly every Internet of Things (IoT) industry survey and market forecast has suggested that there is plenty of interest in the potential value of connecting products and even more reasons to pursue IoT strategies.
Yet, candid conversations with corporate executives at many major enterprises and leading technology companies reveals that there has been far less movement to capitalize on the IoT opportunities than the market research and consulting firms anticipated.
Any bold, new idea that promises to transform the way organizations operate is bound to come with as many potential challenges and risks as opportunities and benefits.
THINKstrategies believes organizations should take advantage of the business idea popularized by Chris Anderson a decade ago – the ‘long tail’ concept – but in a new way.
Click here to read our views in the Wall Street Journal about how organizations can apply the long tail concept to … Read More »
The Cloud’s Long Tail: Industry-Specific SaaS Solutions, A Guest Blogpost in E-Commerce Times
11th April
I’ve been suggesting for a number of years that a new wave of opportunities is emerging to create industry-specific Software as a Service (SaaS) and Cloud computing vertical market solutions. A number of new examples of this phenomenon have crossed my radar over the past few weeks which clearly illustrate the long tail effect of the cloud. A widening array of companies are leveraging SaaS solutions and cloud alternatives to disrupt mainstream businesses across nearly every industry is becoming the norm, and the long tail is now extending into niche markets as well. Click here to read THINKstrategies’ views about the market implications of these trends in E-Commerce Times.