Tag: CFOs
What’s Driving CFOs to the Cloud? A Guest Commentary in Datamation
31st October
Although a growing number of organizations have been adopting a ‘cloud first’ approach to their business application and computing needs for a while, it has taken a long time for CFOs to feel comfortable migrating their own financial management systems to the cloud. However, a confluence of forces is finally driving them to make the move that could create additional momentum for cloud adoption across their operations.
It isn’t surprising that CFOs have been slow to adopt cloud-based applications to support their own departments. They’re paid to be conservative and risk-adverse.
Click here to read THINKstrategies’ latest commentary in Datamation regarding the organizational and market forces that are convincing CFOs that it is time to put their concerns aside and move to the cloud.
CFOs Calculate Benefits of Cloud ERP – A Guest Commentary in E-Commerce Times
14th November
One of the clear indications that the cloud movement is becoming mainstream is the growing number of CFOs and finance departments that are adopting Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions to support their corporate responsibilities.
Even more interesting is how cloud-based alternatives can redefine the accounting and financial management function in forward-minded organizations.
Click here to read THINKstrategies’ views in E-Commerce Times about the business impact of these trends.
CFOs Open Purse Strings to Accelerate Cloud Adoption – A Guest Commentary in E-Commerce Times
13th February
Cloud-based alternatives to traditional hardware and software systems and enterprise applications are experiencing a new level of CxO acceptance. Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) are the latest members of the C-level suite to embrace SaaS, PaaS and IaaS solutions to not only reduce operating costs, but also improve their operating effectiveness so they can better achieve their corporate objectives.
Indications of the growing CFO acceptance of cloud alternatives can be found in a variety of places. Click here to read THINKstrategies’ perspectives about this market trend in E-Commerce Times.