Is SaaS Slipping Into the Legacy App Abyss? A Guest Commentary in E-Commerce Times

Everywhere you look, organizations are shifting their software acquisition preferences and policies away from traditional, on-premises legacy applications to a new generation of on-demand, Software as a Service, or SaaS, solutions.
Although I was an early advocate of SaaS for the unprecedented, business advantages it offers, I’m becoming concerned that many leading SaaS vendors and their enterprise customers are taking actions that significantly compromise the fundamental value of SaaS.
As the old adage goes, “the more things change, the more they remain the same.”
In the case of SaaS, a growing number of vendors and customers are demonstrating that they can’t get away from their old software habits and biases.
Click here to read THINKstrategies’ latest perspectives in E-Commerce Times about how the SaaS industry could face a serious backlash if it lets this trend continue.
You can also click here to read our views regarding how and other players are supporting a new generation of systems integrators to respond to the escalating complexities of SaaS and other Cloud-based services.