Tag: BlueLock
Cloud-Oriented Acquisitions and Alliances Accelerate
31st August
Years ago, I considered the week leading into Labor Day as the final hurrah of the Summer and tried to preserve it for an end of season vacation to cap off the warm weather months in New England. Then my kids became school age and schools started kicking off before the holiday weekend. (Don’t get me started on this silly practice.)
Now, the tech industry is also making a habit of getting back into stride for the new Fall season before the dog days of August are behind us. One of the important annual venues for kicking off the new season of activity is VMworld.
This year’s event is generating plenty of news, especially regarding cloud-oriented acquisitions and alliances. Here’s a quick sampling:
VMware Acquires Integrien and TriCipher
Verizon and VMware to Launch Enterprise-Class Hybrid Cloud Solution
BlueLock Introduces VMware vCloud Datacenter Service with CloudConnector
EMC Transforms … Read More »