Amazon Go Service May Have Profound Impact on CRM Market via the Cloud

As increasing digitization overtakes commerce (and virtually all industries), companies need to adjust with new technologies and new approaches.
Customers want to be able to research and make purchases on various devices and platforms (from online to in store). Companies are enlisting mobile devices, social platforms, live chat capabilities, communities, location-based technologies and e-commerce applications to create new capabilities in this digital commerce era. Creating an anytime, anywhere, omnichannel strategy has become critical for the e-commerce market.
Cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) and the e-commerce market have been converging for some time. Although Amazon hasn’t explicitly stated that it intends to use its new Amazon Go retail service as the vehicle to offer its own CRM solution, it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to envision the company finally entering the market.
Click here to read why THINKstrategies believes Amazon may be getting ready to move into the CRM market in our latest commentary in TechTarget’s SearchCRM.