Tag: Newvem
Managing Your Use of Amazon Web Services EC2 Reserved Instances
21st August
Sometimes trying to save money can become costly and complicated.
A case in point is the growing popularity of Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) EC2 Reserved Instances (RIs) which enable users to obtain spare cloud capacity in anticipation of future use.
While having these extra resources available for a ‘rainy day’ may make operational sense, holding underutilizing spare instances can become needlessly expensive if they aren’t properly managed.
Click here to read my guest blogpost on behalf of Newvem regarding how organizations can maximize the value and mitigate the risks associated with leveraging AWS EC2 RIs.
Newvem Offers Advice to AWS Users In Midst of Major Outage
7th July
Well, it turns out the Amazon Web Services (AWS) outage I referred to in my previous blog entry was more significant than originally reported.
The initial issues being suffered by AWS last Friday were compounded by the severe weather which hit the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic states later that day. The impact of the outage has also been more widespread than just a small number of Cloud companies, as indicated by this New York Times article which discusses the broader effects on a diverse cross-section of companies and consumers.
The outage also came shortly after Gartner announced that it expects Cloud storage services to experience exponential growth over the next 3-4 years,
“The desire to share content and to access it on multiple devices will motivate consumers to start storing a third of their digital content in the cloud by 2016, [up from] just … Read More »
Measuring the Costs and Mitigating the Risks of Cloud Downtime
29th June
Today’s brief disruption of Amazon Web Services (AWS) coming on the heels of last week’s longer outage may have been minor in comparison to the extended problems which occurred last year, but they will still spark a new round of debate regarding the reliability of Cloud services and relative costs of downtime. These issues will also bring renewed attention to preventive measures IT folks can take to handle Cloud service disruptions of any scale.
By coincidence, around the same time that AWS suffered its outage, the International Working Group on Cloud Computing Resiliency (IWGCR) released its first Availability Ranking of World Cloud Computing (ARWC) report which stated that,
“The average unavailability of Cloud services is estimated to 10 hours per year or more. Average availability is estimated to 99.9% or less.”
The IWGCR’s estimation method relies on public press reports of Cloud incidents. … Read More »