Thanks for Supporting My Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) Ride

I’ve just completed my sixth annual, 163 mile Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) bicycle ride for the Dana Farber Institute and the Jimmy Fund fight against cancer, and I want to thank eveyone who supported my ride and this terrific cause!
This year’s bicycle ride attracted over 5400 riders and 2200 volunteers, and hopes to raise over $36 million in contributions to the Jimmy Fund for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for cancer research and treatment.
Despite the challenges of riding from Wellesley to Provincetown, MA in over 90 degree heat and humidity, it was a tremendously rewarding experience.
Once again, I rode as a part of Team Kermit, a group of riders who are raising funds for the Jared Branfman Sunflowers For Life Fund For Pediatric Brain And Spinal Cancer Research at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. We rode with a Kermit the Frog doll on our helmets to commemorate Jared’s gallant battle with brain cancer and bring a smile to the faces of those who watched us ride by.
If you have not already made a contribution to my ride, you can still do so by clicking here, or by making a check out to the Pan Mass Challenge and sending it to my attention at 22 Park Avenue, Wellesley, Ma 02481.
Thanks again for your help and support in fighting cancer.