Category: Adobe

Sights and Sounds at the SIIA On-Demand Conference

Posted by thinkstrategies in Adobe, Aria Systems, Cisco, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners, Microsoft, Oracle, SaaS,, SAP, SIIA, Software-as-a-Service, WebEx, Xactly. Comments Off on Sights and Sounds at the SIIA On-Demand Conference

12th November

Last week’s second annual SIIA On-Demand Conference was a bellwether for the state of the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) industry. Rather than being composed of the usual suspects of SaaS speakers—, Microsoft, etc.—the event included an interesting mix of prominent players and start-ups who clearly demonstrated that we are well beyond the ‘why SaaS’ stage and deeply into the ‘how’ phase of this important movement.

The event opened with a packed house of over 300 attendees, many with senior executive titles, and a relatively new name to the SaaS market presenting. Donald Proctor, the Senior Vice President of Cisco Systems’ Collaboration Software Group kicked off the event promoting its vision of the next wave of inter-office SaaS solutions based on WebEx’s collaboration platform which Cisco acquired in March 2007.

Although I might suggest that this wave of inter-office SaaS solutions is well underway and … Read More »

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