Qubole Wins THINKstrategies’ Best of SaaS Showplace (BoSS) Award

THINKstrategies announced today Qubole has been named a winner of the Best of SaaS Showplace (BoSS) Award. This program promotes the measurable business benefits delivered by today’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions.
The BoSS Awards is an ongoing program administered by THINKstrategies’ Cloud Computing Showplace to recognize SaaS companies that are delivering measurable business benefits to specific user organizations. These benefits can include increased sales, lower costs, higher customer satisfaction, faster operations and greater profitability.
Qubole is a self-service big data analytics company that provides a fast, easy and reliable path to turn big data into valuable business insights. Qubole’s cloud-based platform simplifies the challenges of managing infrastructure to process huge volumes of structured and unstructured data. With Qubole deployed in an Amazon Web Services, Google Compute and/or Microsoft Azure Cloud, enterprises put big data processing in the hands of their users without having to build massive operations teams to support their users’ needs. Qubole achieves this through features such as auto-scaling big data clusters, federated access controls, and multiple interfaces designed for data scientists, developers and business users.
An example of Qubole’s measurable business benefits is TubeMogul which develops software that enables brands and advertisers to buy video advertising in real-time across multiple devices and formats using one comprehensive platform. As a result of deploying Qubole Data Service (QDS), TubeMogul has experienced a 33% cost reduction and five-fold increase in query execution with QDS auto-scaling, and it has doubled the amount of data processed in half the time.
Based on this client success story, Qubole has been named a Best of SaaS Showplace (BoSS) Award winner.
“Reducing the costs of processing Big Data while improving the efficiency of the data analysis process is critical in today’s rapidly changing environment,” stated Jeffrey M. Kaplan, Managing Director of THINKstrategies, the strategic consulting firm which conceived and administers the Cloud Computing Showplace. “Qubole’s Big Data-as-a-Service in the Cloud helps organizations generate valuable insights from various data sources in a cost-effective fashion.”
For more information about the rules for applying for a BoSS Award or to find a list of previous winners of the BoSS Awards, go to http://www.cloudshowplace.com/boss-award/.
Based on the success of the BoSS Awards program, THINKstrategies has also launched the Cloud Computing Business Value (CCBV) Award program which recognizes Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution providers, and Connected Cloud Internet of Things (CCIoT) Award program to recognize IoT companies that are leveraging Cloud services to deliver IoT solutions which are producing measurable business benefits for their customers. For more information regarding the awards programs, go to http://www.cloudshowplace.com/award-programs/.