IoT Ultimate Test for APM: Monitoring Infinite Microservices Demands New Approach to APM – A Guest Commentary in APMdigest
Last December, my APMdigest prediction for 2015 was,
“The advent of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) will elevate the importance of implementing powerful, easy-to-use and cost-effective APM (Application Performance Management) solutions as a rapidly expanding universe of end-points are connected by software-enabled sensors and systems. The new generation of APM solutions will have to contend with an exponentially greater number of connections, transactions and data points. The APM solutions will also have to span Cloud and on-premise applications which will be linked together in the IoT environment. The task of implementing and administering the APM solutions will increasingly be performed by highly specialized, third-party service providers.”
Less than halfway through the new year and we’re seeing the market activity around IoT opportunities accelerate. Not only are the number of ‘things’ currently and expected to be connected growing exponentially, but the types of business processes being impacted by IoT deployments is also expanding rapidly. Because of all our connected devices, there are already far more ‘things’ communicating via the web than there are people.
Rather than monitor relatively stable enterprise applications or typical web applications to support specific business functions, a common IoT deployment might entail monitoring many inter-related applications which impact a series of business processes.
Click here to read my views about how the rapidly growing IoT market will create a new set of challenges for APM vendors and users in APMdigest.