HRsmart Wins THINKstrategies’ Best of SaaS Showplace (BoSS) Award

THINKstrategies announced today that HRsmart has been named a winner of the Best of SaaS Showplace (BoSS) Award. This program promotes the measurable business benefits delivered by today’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions.
The BoSS Awards is an ongoing program administered by THINKstrategies’ Cloud Computing Showplace to recognize SaaS companies that are delivering measurable business benefits to specific user organizations. These benefits can include increased sales, lower costs, higher customer satisfaction, faster operations and greater profitability.
HRsmart offers a SaaS Talent Management solution that supports companies’ needs from hire to retire. The Applicant Tracking System allows a company to reduce the cost and time required to manage their job requisitions and the candidates that apply to them. Companies can configure the processes, forms, and letters to meet their needs and reuse them to more quickly screen, filter, interview, hire, verify and onboard candidates. HRsmart’s Learning Management System is then used to induct new hires into new hire orientation and other classes to quickly develop their skills. HRsmart’s Employee Performance Management and Career Development System continually evaluates the workforce to determine the right learning, mentoring or project actions to further develop their skills. The Cloud-based solution also captures, documents and shares actions real time so they can be shared across the organization.
An example of HRsmart’s measurable business benefits is EDG, Inc. which has realized the following departmental improvements using HRsmart’s solution:
Applicant Tracking System (ATS) benefits,
- An 83% reduction in the time required to post new positions. It previously took up to 72 hours to complete, now completed within 12 hours of request.
- A 75% increase in qualified applicants per open position. It previously averaged 4 qualified candidates per opening, now averaging 16 qualified candidates per open position with the majority coming from social media outlets
- A 50% increase in hiring manager satisfaction based on the quality of resumes submitted. Searching function. It previously averaged two in five suitable candidates submitted when utilizing search function, now averaging four in five.
- A 74% reduction in the time required to set an onsite interview. It previously averaged 4 days (92 hours) to confirm acceptance of interview, now done in one day or 24 hours.
Employee Performance Management (EPM) benefits,
- A 67% reduction in the time required to prepare for an employee evaluation. It previously averaged 6 hours, now averages 2 hour.
- A 75% reduction in the amount of time required to conduct the employee evaluation. It previously took 4 hours, now takes 1 hour.
- A 78% improvement in departmental compliance in meeting evaluation deadlines. It previously only 2 departments met deadlines, now all 9 do.
Based on this client success story, HRsmart has been named a Best of SaaS Showplace (BoSS) Award winner.
“We are pleased to be recognized by THINKstrategies for the measurable business benefits we are delivering to our customers,” said Mark Hamdan, Founder and CEO of HRsmart. “We have worked hard to create one reliable technology solution to manage the employee lifecycle process of our customers. This award simply reinforces our drive for continued excellence.”
“It is essential to establish a cost-effective HR management to administer the staff recruitment, hiring and development processes in today’s highly competitive marketplace,” stated Jeffrey M. Kaplan, Managing Director of THINKstrategies, the strategic consulting firm which conceived and administers the Cloud Computing Showplace.“HRsmart’s cloud-based solution enables businesses to more easily put these systems in place and fully utilize them to meet a company’s unique HR requirements.”
For more information about the rules for applying for a BoSS Award or to find a list of previous winners of the BoSS Awards, go to
Based on the success of the BoSS Awards program which focuses on SaaS solutions, THINKstrategies has also launched the Cloud Computing Business Value (CCBV) Award program. This program recognizes companies that are delivering Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solutions that produce measurable business benefits for their customers. For more information regarding the CCBV Awards, see