Call for Speakers for the 2012 Cloud Analytics, Management and Channel Summits
I’m very pleased with the immediate response we have received regarding our upcoming Cloud Analytics, Management and Cloud Channel Summit conferences.
In order to systematically respond to the steady stream of speaking requests we are receiving, we have established an online submission process to ensure that we can select the best speakers for our events.
Please go to the following links to submit speaking proposals for each of the Cloud Summits:
We will consider each proposal on a first come, first serve basis. However, preferential treatment will be given to proposals focused on key business issues rather than specific technical topics.
We will also prioritize proposals that suggest CIO speakers for the Cloud Analytics and Management Summits, and channel company executives with first-hand experience working in Cloud environments. Summit sponsors and start-ups with a track-record of success will also receive greater consideration.
Contact me if you have questions regarding these speaking opportunities or have technical problems submitting your proposal. You can also contact Marc Stemberg of Rising Tide Media if you’d like to investigate sponsorship opportunities.
Stay tuned for more information about the Cloud Analytics, Management and Channel Summit conferences via Twitter @CloudSummits.
I look forward to seeing you at these events.