THINKstrategies-TriActive Study Demonstrates SaaS & Managed Services Benchmarking Capabilities

Posted on April 1st, by thinkstrategies in Anderson Consulting, benchmarks, best practices, BT, CSC, EDS, HP, IBM, INS, Lucent, Microsoft, PWC, TriActive. Comments Off on THINKstrategies-TriActive Study Demonstrates SaaS & Managed Services Benchmarking Capabilities

For years, I’ve been advocating that hardware and software vendors along with their channel partners and telecommunications carriers have the opportunity to leverage Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions and managed services models to generate powerful benchmark statistics and produce valuable best practice studies that can enhance their customer relationships and strengthen their position in the market.

Today, TriActive and THINKstrategies published the first of a series of benchmark studies which clearly demonstrates this unique capability.

The study examines end-user software utilization patterns across over 125,000 endpoints in 460 companies managed by TriActive’s Asset Management Suite™. The study found many companies where Microsoft Office installations are underutilized or not used at all. This means that many companies have more software licenses than necessary or have purchased higher than necessary versions of the software to meet their needs.

Based on this actual software utilization data, the study found that many companies can save 50% or more on their Microsoft Office software licensing costs by better matching their purchases to actual useage levels.

Ironically, many of the companies studied had deployed TriActive’s Asset Management Suite via managed service providers (MSPs) and value-added resellers (VARs) because they were concerned that they may have illegal copies of Microsoft software in their businesses and expected to have to ‘true-up’ to ensure they were in compliance. Rather than pay more, many of these companies will actually experience significant cost-savings as a result of TriActive’s Asset Management capabilities and findings of this study.

The TriActive-THINKstrategies study illustrates the power of today’s SaaS-based managed services not just as a more economical method of managing IT operations and tracking real software utilization, but also as a means of delivering a new level of value to customers.

Having helped launch META Group’s (remember them?) benchmarking practice in the 1990s, I’ve had first-hand experience grappling with the costs and complexities of traditional benchmark methodologies which too often failed to generate meaningful information or insight.

In contrast, today’s SaaS solutions permit service providers (xSPs) and channel companies to obtain actual useage statistics that can provide actionable data for individual companies and powerful perspective for a broader community of customers.

While I was running International Network Services’ (INS) strategic marketing group in the late 1990s, we launched an industry research program which generating survey findings and gave us tremendous visibility in the market that catapulted INS to the top of Yankee Group and UpSide Magazine’s leading IT consulting company list in 1999–above Anderson Consulting, CSC, EDS, HP and IBM. That designation led to INS being acquired by Lucent for 12 times revenues or $3.7 billion, the most ever paid for an IT services company and surpassing what IBM paid for PWC Consulting. (INS is still doing its industry surveys as a part of BT today.)

Innovative SaaS and managed service providers can achieve even greater thought-leadership and win greater mindshare today by capturing and compiling valuable activity data through their ongoing interaction with customers. They can utilize this data and analysis to better serve their customers and better position themselves in the market.

I look forward to working with more companies who recognize this exciting opportunity. Contact me if you want to discuss this opportunity further.

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